Distributed Validator Technology

SafeStake is a trust-minimized middle layer for secure, decentralized ETH staking

What is SafeStake?

SafeStake is a decentralized, non-custodial infrastructure and protocol that maximizes ETH staking rewards by keeping validators secure and online to perform Ethereum staking duties.

How does SafeStake work?

SafeStake splits a validator private key into shares and distributes them to several nodes.

The key shares do the work via the operator committee, so the private key can be stored securely offline.
Only 3 out of 4 nodes need to be online for the validator to attest with > 99.7% effectiveness

Why SafeStake?

Validator Private Key Security is Priority #1.
SafeStake has some important advantages:

Key Security / DKG (Distributed Key Generation)

Stage 1 with single 32 ETH depositors:
An ultra-secure browser-based dApp splits the private key into shares on the client side. The key never touches the SafeStake network.
Stages 2 & 3 with multiple ETH depositors:
The operator committee generates the public/private key pair securely via DKG without a “trusted dealer.” Neither the operators or depositors ever have custody of the private key or know the shared secret, preventing malicious behavior and theft of funds.

Easy-to-Use Interface / No Technical Experience Needed

Easily create a new validator or import an existing one!

Just drag-and-drop up to five validator keystore files into the browser-based dapp, then sit back and relax while SafeStake handles the rest.
Your validator key is secured
– it’s not stored anywhere and never sent to our servers.

Superior Validator Effectiveness and Slashing Protection

SafeStake utilizes HotStuff, the first partially-synchronous BFT replication protocol, for operator committee consensus.

HotStuff is more robust than iBFT/ qBFT, providing superior slashing protection and allowing validators to attest with > 99.7% effectiveness, even if one operator is offline or compromised.

Highly Scalable / Maximizes Solo Staker Efficiency

SafeStake was engineered and developed to maximize operator node efficiency. Each SafeStake node can handle up to 200 validators without sacrificing performance or security.
Maximizes capital efficiency for running a solo staking node

Developed and Written in Rust

Rust is “king” when it comes to preventing memory-related bugs and vulnerabilities, offering better security for the smart contracts that power SafeStake. It also offers higher performance, almost always outperforming Go in runtime benchmarks.

LOW 4 ETH Staking Threshold & Liquid Staking

SafeStake Stage 2 will lower the staking threshold to 4 ETH and introduce liquid staking. Our goals are to: expand the validator base, improve diversity and decentralization, and strengthen the overall security of the Ethereum blockchain.

SafeStake network participants


Stage 1 — Users are required to stake 32 ETH to become a validator.

Stage 2 — Users are required to stake 4 ETH or more to become a validator.

Validators select four (4) operators during setup, known as the “operator committee,” to attest and propose blocks on their behalf.


Operators maintain independent, trustless nodes and hold key shares that run validators.

Stakers pay operators a service fee for providing a turnkey solution for professional ETH staking services.

Operators can join and leave the SafeStake network at will.

SafeStake DAO

The SafeStake DAO is the decentralized organization that built the infra and protocol and maintains the network, along with the Verified Operators.

The DAO is also responsible for governance of the SafeStake network.

To join the DAO, users most own $DVT tokens and a special NFT.

The SafeStake Design

The Ultimate in Slashing Protection, Security, Fault Tolerance and Online Uptime Performance

SafeStake Roadmap

Q3 2022

Launch Galileo Incentivized Testnet Stage 1 (supporting 32 ETH deposits)

Q4 2022

Implement Tokenomics on Stage 1 Testnet

Q1 / Q2 2023

Test Tokenomics on Stage 1 Testnet (w/ 32 ETH deposit)

Q3 2023

Complete Testing & Bug Fixes for Stage 1

Q3 / Q4 2023

Launch Stage 1 on Ethereum Mainnet

Q4 2023 / Q1 2024

Implement MEV-boost protocol to improve validator yields; Begin Testing Stage 4: 8 ETH Deposit + Liquid Staking Pool enabling 0.1 ETH deposits from retail stakers; DKG

Q2 2024

Complete Testing & Bug Fixes for Stage 2; Launch Stage 2 on Ethereum Mainnet

Q3 2024

Build NFT criteria for Initiator and bootstrapping for Initiator liquidity

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